Some verbs can be followed by either the gerund or the infinitive:

She continued writing her report.
I love watching TV. That’s why I always go to bed so late!

She continued to write her report.
I love to watch TV. That’s why I always go to bed so late!

I tried to open the file but I couldn’t do it. I really don’t know much about computers. (I made an attempt)
I tried opening the file but nothing happened. Let me try something else. (Experimented to see if it worked)

I remembered to buy some milk. I didn’t forget. (Remember first, then do it)
I remembered buying milk. I also bought some bread and a dozen eggs. (Do something, then remember)

I forgot answering the email. (I did it but then I forgot the event)
I forgot to answer the email. (I didn’t answer the email)

My father stopped smoking ten years ago. (He doesn’t smoke anymore)
My father stopped to smoke. He parked his car and bought a pack of cigarettes. (He stopped another activity to do a new one.)

try, remember, forget and stop can be followed by either the gerund or the infinitive, but their meanings change: