Dialogue 1: How are you, today?

Mónica se encuentra con Miguel en un supermercado. Ella está de compras con una compañera.

MONICA: Hi, Jaime. Nice to see you again.
JAIME: Nice to see you, too, Mónica.
MONICA: Jaime, this is my friend, Sara, she’s my room-mate.
JAIME: (shakes hands with Sara)How do you do, Sara?
SARA: How do you do, Jaime?
JAIME: Are you from Argentina also, Sara?
SARA: No, I’m from Italy. Where are you from?
JAIME: Colombia, from Bogota to be exact.
MONICA: Well how are you, Jaime? Are you happy with the English course?
JAIME: The English course is not too bad. I’m a little tired.
MONICA: Yes, so am I. The first day is always difficult.

*La frase ‘How do you do?’ ( Cómo está Ud.?) se usa cuando se presenta una persona a otra por primera vez. Es una formalidad social que no tiene mucho sentido gramatical.