What is the Weather Like in the United States?


Because The United States is such a big country, it has a wide range
of different climates and weather.  Much of the country experiences the four seasons; winter, spring, summer, and autumn.

Most of the states in the north get quite a bit of snow in the winter. Though a snowy landscape can be an impressive sight, it brings with it
consequences which affect the way a society functions. For example, it
is necessary to put salt on the roadways so that cars do not slip and
slide on icy roads. In addition, it is recommended that people use
special tires on their cars for further protection against this hazard. Snow storms called blizzards, occur quite often in the northeastern portion of the country and may shutdown schools and businesses temporarily.

The snow, however, provides wonderful entertainment for people, especially children, who love to make snowmen, get into snowball fights, go sledding, go skiing, and go ice- skating.