How did the cricket match go?

FRANK: How did the cricket match go on Saturday, Tom?
TOM: I don’t want to talk about it, we lost by 100 runs.
FRANK: 100 runs! Who did you play, the local kindergarten school?
TOM: (sarcastically) Ha! Ha! Very funny. We played against "amateurs" who looked more like professionals or semi/professionals to me.
FRANK: Where did they get their players?
TOM: Well, there were some people of Indian and Pakistani origin on their team and they were probably from first-rate teams over there.
FRANK: Did you score many runs yourself?
TOM: No, I was bowled out on the first ball.
FRANK: What! and you are the team’s top scorer! What happened?
TOM: It was an old trick. The bowler came up from behind my team-mate at the other end and I couldn’t see him until he threw the ball. I missed it.
FRANK: What did you do about that?
TOM: I protested, of course, but the official paid no attention.
FRANK: Oh, come on. You’re just angry because your team lost.
TOM: Angry, yes. But not because we lost. They broke the rules, not us. We didn’t break the rules.