Practice 6

Anna is talking to her friend Martha about what she did over the weekend. Fill in the blanks with the verb in parenthesis in affirmative, negative or question form.

(-) indicates negative, ex. go (-) = didn’t go.


Anna: I (have) a great time last weekend. Let me tell you about it! On Friday night we (go) to the movies.

Martha: Oh, yes? What (see) ?

Anna: We (see) a French movie with Gerard Depardieu. It (be) very funny.

Then on Saturday, I (have) (-) to clean my room because a maid came and dit it for me. At noon, I went out for lunch with my friends from the Gym.We (go) to this new Ethiopian restaurant downtown.

Martha: I know. It (open) last month. Is it any good?

Anna: Yes, very. The food is different, though
Martha: I imagine, What (have) ?


Anna: Well, we (have) a little bit of everything. We (order) a sample dish that included different kinds of meats, poultry and vegetables.


Martha: WOW! Sounds good! What about Sunday?
Anna: Sunday was the best. My friend from Chicago (come) by surprise and (take) me out shopping.

Then we went for dinner and then dancing until I (drop) It was a lot of fun. We really had a blast!!!!!