Past Tense Regular Verbs ending in [t] or [d]

If the final consonant sound of a past tense regular verb is [t] or [d] the –ED sound is pronounced [id].

EXAMPLE: ended = [‘ndd]  hated = [‘heitd]

Listen carefully to your instructor and repeat the following past tense regular verb forms.

All of these past tense regular verbs end in [t] or [d] in the bare infinitive: i.e. want -ed end- ed, etc

1. counted

6. extracted

11. inhibited

16. invited

2. suspended

7. divided

12. loaded

17. exploded

3. contracted

8. invaded

13. apprehended

18. extradited

4. decided

9. united

14. avoided

19. exploited

5. facilitated

10. excited

15. extended

20. compensated