OH! My Back

A visit to the doctor.

(Jill and husband Mike Pickles are at home)

JILL: Oh, my back! It hurts when I stand up.
MIKE: You shouldn’t be bending down so much. You do that all day at work.
JILL: I know. I was bending down yesterday when I felt a sharp pain in my back. Now, I have a constant backache.
MIKE: I think you ought to see a doctor. You should change your job, too. I’m worried about the headaches you’re suffering from these days.
JILL : Me, too. Well, maybe you’re right. I wasn’t suffering from these headaches before I started working there.

(Next day in the waiting room at the doctor’s) (Jill is talking to a patient)

YOUNG WOMAN: ..Yes, the doctor says I’ve got to keep out of the sun. I was lying on the beach for some time when I my back began to itch. Now its red and sore and itching again. It was itching all night until my husband put some ice on it.My eyes are also sore from the salt water. It’s getting me down.
JILL: Poor girl, you shouldn’t overdo the beach or else you will get a bad sunburn. I’ve got problems with my back….
DOCTOR: (appearing suddenly) Next patient, please!

(In the doctor’s office)

DOCTOR: Tell me where it hurts Mrs Pickles. (He begins to poke her gently in the back)
JILL: Yaaaaghhh!
DOCTOR: Hmm! The pain is located here under the solar plexus. It looks like you need to rest for a while. I’ll give you some medicine to take but you need to rest more than anything. Are you suffering from headaches or any soreness in your body?
JILL: Yes, doctor, I feel quite sore in my joints at the end of the day.
DOCTOR: Well, I think you’re overdoing it, Mrs Pickles. You need at least a month off from work.
JILL: But doctor, I need the money!
DOCTOR: Can’t you get a less strenuous job?
JILL: I don’t know,… I’ll try.
DOCTOR: You ought to try, Mrs Pickles. One’s health comes first.