Adverbs of Frequency

Adverbs of frequency indicate how often something happens. They are very useful to indicate how often you suffer from an illness or ailment. This frequency ranges from 100% (always) to 0% (never):

I always get a cold during the winter
I never get a cold during the winter

Or in between:


I frequently get a cold during the winter


I generally get a cold during the winter


I sometimes get a cold during the winter


I seldom get a cold during the winter


 I rarely get a cold during the winter

These words and expressions are also used to indicate frequency:

Twice a day

You need to take these pills twice a day

3 times a day

 You need to rub this on your neck 3 times a day

4 days a week

You need to exercise 4 times a week

Every 3 hours

 You need to take this medicine every 3 hours: at 12:00, at 3:00, at 6:00 and so on.