
Complete the following dialogue. Make a printout of it and write your answers. Record your answers and send them to your instructor by mail. Be prepared to engage in similar conversation during class.

You: Choose a symptom from the vocabulary section and tell the doctor about it. Start with I have….
Doctor: When did this start/happen?
You: Say it started/happened a week ago.
Doctor: How did this happen?
You: Explain how. a) Choose one of the following: you hurt your…. / got a cold… / stayed in the sun too long / exercised/ate too much, or b) state your own explanation
Doctor: Do you have any other symptoms?
You: Say you also have…. (tell about another symptom)
Doctor: How many times has this happened?
You: Say it happened twice during the week
(The doctor gives you a prescription and tells you how to take the medicine: )
Doctor: I’m going to give you a prescription. You should take this medicine every 4 hours, with food.
You: Ask if you should take the medicine every 5 hours.
Doctor: No, not every 5 hours. Every 4 hours.
You: Ask for how long.
Doctor: For two weeks