Practice 7

Match the following parts of the body as parts that ‘ache’ [eik] or are ‘sore’ [ sor ] according to the context. Refer back to Practice 1.


A: Oh, my throat , it hurts when I swallow.

B: Oh, sorry to hear you have a sore throat.

1. A: Oh, I that pizza was so good, but my poor stomach, oowww!
B: You have a I’m so sorry.

2. A: Oh swimming in the ocean was great but, oow!, my eyes.
B: Oh, and they are red too. You have that’s too bad.

3. A: Oh, my molar hurts. I must go to the dentist’s.
B: I feel for you, a is terrible.

4. A: Please, that music’s so loud!! My poor head. I need an aspirin.
B: Oh, you have a , I’m sorry.

5. A: Ouch! That hurts. When I lift things my back hurts.
B: Yes, you have a don’t lift things.

6. A: Oh these shoes. I must take them off, they’re hurting me.
B: Yes, new shoes can give you .