Practice 9

Review of vowel sounds.

Listen carefully to the follow words that your instructor will pronounce.
All the sounds concern the vocabulary about ailments which we have learned in Week 8.

ache - ate - ace

[elk ] - [elt ] - [els ]

pan - pain - pen

[ paen ] -  [pein] -  [pn ]

Steph - Steve - stiff

[stf ] - [sti:v] - [stIf ]

drags - drugs - dregs

[ draegz ] - [dr^gz ] - [drgz]

ill - eel - Al

[Il ] - [ l ] - [ael ]

sour - sewer - sore

[saur ] - [ sur ] - [sr ]

break - brick - brack

[breik ] - [brIk ] - [braek ]

bleed - blood - bled

[ bli:d ] - [bl^d ] - [bld ]