
Supermarkets are now an integral part of the community in 21st century living. Every community has at least one supermarket. These range in size from huge buildings with 15 aisles or more to smaller ones with three or four aisles.

The size of the stands is also variable. In bigger supermarkets these can have five to eight shelves while others have only two or three shelves. A shopper can find many, many things in a supermarket from a book of matches to a refrigerator.

But not everybody is enchanted with supermarkets. They remember the times when life was less hectic and people went to the local grocer’s, butcher’s or greengrocer’s and met and chatted with the neighbors as well as the storekeeper herself or himself. But it is unlikely that the days of the local shopkeeper will return. Today’s supermarket is very convenient for busy people who are always in a hurry.