Dialogue 2

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DANIEL: Where can I find bread, please?
WORKER: In *Aisle 1 sir, to your right on the top shelf next to the sugar.
DANIEL: Thanks. Oh! And oranges?
WORKER: You’ll find them also in Aisle 1. On the left, opposite the bread.

(later in the same place in the supermarket)

MARISOL: (sees Mario) Hi, Mario? Shopping?
MARIO: Yes, we need to stock up. We’re running low on food.
MARISOL: This place is new and I’m lost. Where can I find the “Fish and Poultry” section?
MARIO: Yes, it’s in the Back Aisle, against the wall.
MARISOL: Did Daniel get the landscaping job?
MARIO: I don’t know. I don’t think so. Not yet.
MARISOL: Well see you later, bye.