Imagine you are at the same point ‘x’ in our supermarket. Make a print out of the following dialogues and fill in the blanks. Practice your responses, save them on an audio file and send them to your instructor by mail.
Be ready to have similar conversations with your instructor in class or by phone.


1. YOU: Excuse me. Where can I find chicken breasts?

WORKER: In the ___________ next to _________________

2. YOU: Excuse me. Where can I find carrots in a can?

WORKER: In Aisle ___________ against _________________

3. YOU: Excuse me. Where can I find frozen chicken?

WORKER: In Aisle ___________ across from _________________

4. YOU: Excuse me. Where can I find napkins?

WORKER: In Aisle ___________ next to ___________________

5. YOU: Excuse me. Where can I find lobsters?

WORKER: In the ___________ to the left of ___________________