I got the job! Let’s go celebrate!

(Daniel calls Marisol on the phone)
DANIEL: Hi Marisol! Guess what? I got the job in landscaping.
MARISOL: Great! Congratulations!
DANIEL: Let’s go out to eat and celebrate! I’m inviting.
MARISOL: McDougal’s again?
DANIEL: No, let’s go somewhere fancy. There’s a new Venezuelan restaurant on Main. “Los Primos”, I think they call it.
MARISOL: Oh yes. They say it’s really good. What’s Venezuelan food like?
DANIEL: Pretty good. But I’m no expert on it. See you about 7:30 then?
MARISOL: Yes, OK. Thank you for the invitation.
(Later in “Los Primos” restaurant)
MARISOL: The décor here is the nicest I’ve seen in a long time. It looks expensive, though.
DANIEL: Don’t worry. I told you I’m buying.
WAITER: Good evening! (He hands them a menu) Would you like water?
BOTH :. Yes, please.
WAITER: I’ll be right with you. (he leaves)(they look at the menu)
DANIEL: Hmm! The prices here are very reasonable. I hope the food is as good as the décor. What are you having, Marisol?
MARISOL: Well, I don’t know. The menu is in Spanish and English but…..
DANIEL: Well, I’m having Asado Negro. That’s a delicious kind of Roast Beef, but the sauce is sweet and very, very dark.
MARISOL: That sounds good, I’ll have the same. Waiter!
WAITER: (comes to their table)Are you ready to order?
DANIEL: Yes, we’ll have Asados.
WAITER: Would you like an appetizer to begin with?
DANIEL: No, thanks.
WAITER: So that’s two Asados What would you like to drink?
MARISOL: A glass of a “Chateaubriand de Pouille Fuisse”, please.
DANIEL: ?????? Sounds good. I’ll have the same .
WAITER: Thank you. (he leaves)
MARISOL: Well, tell me about the landscaping job, …..