Practice 5

Fill in the blanks with the past tense of go + for / ing / to as corresponds:

Marisol: Mario called me and we went to celebrate his new job.
Lane: Where did you go?
Marisol: First we dinner at this Venezuelan restaurant on Main Avenue, it is called Los Primos. It is excellent.

Lane: What did you do next?
Marisol: Well, we were so full that we a walk in the park. Then I had a craving for coffee

and we Juliano’s for coffee.

Then we drinks across the street. I had a couple of Tequilas.

Lane: Wow, sounds like you had a good time!
Marisol: Then we .

We this new disco on St. James street. It was very nice! But wait!

Then we the beach to watch the sunset.

Lane: What a celebration!
Marisol: Yes it was! It was the best celebration in many months. We really had fun!