
Use modal verbs to make questions for the following three situations. Record your questions in MP3 format. Send tour work to your instructorl.

Situation 1
Imagine you want me to go out with you. Ask me the following questions:

Ask me to have dinner with you
Invite me to go to the movies
Ask me if I would like to go to the Opera this Friday Night
Ask me if my brother might object if I go out with you

Situation 2
Imagine you want my sister/my brother to go out with you. Ask me the following questions about him or her:

Ask me: will my brother/sister have dinner with you
Ask me if my brother/sister would like to go to the Opera this Friday Night
Ask me if my father might object if I my brother/sister goes out with you

Situation 3
Ask the following people to do these things for you:

Your teacher: repeat what she/he just said
The Insurance Company agent: send you a copy of the claim by mail.
The waiter at a restaurant: bring you another glass of vine.