Refusals and Acceptance Letters

When we write a letter or note we avoid personal confrontation in doing something we may not like doing. Study this note refusing something then write your own note with the situations given.

a. A refusal letter.

Dear Mr Alloff,

Thank you for your letter stating Mr Baker’s claim has been settled. Thank you also for your offer to lower my monthly premiums. However, I have decided to take out insurance at the “Betteroff Insurance Company” when my policy with you ends in March. The reason is that they have opened a new office closer to my home and most of my friends are with “Betteroff” and can get me a good discount. Thank you for your consideration.

Sincerely Yours,

Monica Arango

Your turn: An OFF-LINE assignment

Mr Gypem from Jackson Real Estate Company offers you a lower price on a home you saw last month on Rattle Road. Last week you saw a smaller but nicer house with a big garden and many tree on Calder Street.
This house on Calder Street is also cheaper. Write a short letter using the following functions.

a. Thank Mr Gypem for his offer but decline (refuse) the offer.
b. Explain your interest in the house on Calder Street.
c. Give reasons
d. Sign off, _Sincerely etc.

Send this and the following assignment to your portfolio during the next week.