Pronunciation and Listening

Section 1
Final –s before vowel sounds

A. As we saw in English 1 and 2 the final –s sound is heard as a fricative sound ONLY after the phonemes [f ], [ k ], [ p ] [ t ] and []. When followed by a vowel sound, the final –s still remains voiceless i.e. the vocal chords do not vibrate.


Frank’s_ *uncle has come.

Voiceless [ k ] ‘Frank

Monica laughs_ a lot.

[ f ] ‘laugh

Pete’s_ a new kid on the block

[ t ] etc.

Simple truths_ are rare in politicians.

[ ]

He always stops_ and thinks.

[ p ]

B. ALL other final –s sounds are voiced and they remain voiced before vowel sounds.


Mary’s_ *answer was , “NO!”

voiced [ i ] ‘ ‘ Mary

John loves _apples_ and pears.

[ v ] and [ l ] etc.

Mums_ and Dads _enter at 9.00.

[ m] and [ d ]


The ‘ _ ‘ shows that the sound ‘runs on’ to the following vowel sound with no pause in pronunciation.
This happens also in Spanish the words ‘ los_ arcos ‘ which sounds like ‘lo_sarcos’ when pronounced at normal speed. The final –s joins (runs on ) the ‘a’ of arcos.
In English ‘Adam and Eve’ would be pronounced Ada man deve [‘aedmn’di:v ] when pronounced at normal speed.