
Sentence Combining

Join the following pairs of sentences. Use the connectors in (…..) to join them.

Jaime is sad. ( because) He cannot continue his studies at the University of Kansas.
The tuition and apartment cost too much for him. ( in addition) Food and transportation costs are high for him. But he managed to finish one semester. (furthermore) He plans to go back to the university to study one day. Last month he got a message from his cousin Monica. (who ) Monica told him there were jobs available in Hohum, Ohio. (where) They need English teachers in Hohum. Jaime likes teaching. (so )He expects to be happy there. He wants to save money teaching. (so that) He can return to the university.

Your turn

Write 12 to 14 short sentences similar to the ones above. Then join them using connectors. Do not limit yourself to ‘and’ and ‘but’ but use these connectors ‘although’, ‘however,’ ‘so that’, ‘in order to’, ‘so’ or other connectors of your own choosing.
Send the finished version to you instructor before the next chat session.