Conversations based on functions

Follow the cues to complete the following conversation. Record what both characters say. Save your work in MP3 format and upload it as indicated by your teacher. Best of lucks!!!

Conversation 1:

YOU:   Greet me.
ME:     Hi…I have wonderful news. Bill and I are getting married!
YOU:   Respond to this piece of news. Ask when the wedding will take place.
ME:     Well, we’re thinking about May or June next year.
YOU:   Say it is wonderful. Ask how did this happen
ME:     Well, I didn’t expect it at all, but bill had thought about it a great deal. Then last Christmas, I found some pretty ribbons tied to the Christmas tree. When I got close, I found out that he had hung an engagement ring there. It was so romantic!!!!
YOU:   Congratulate me again. Tell me you wish me and Bill the best of lucks!

Conversation 2:

Now, switch roles, you will be ME this time. Create a new situation for ME and use your responses in the previous conversation for YOU. Record both characters in the resulting dialogue. Save your work in MP3 format and upload it as indicated by your teacher.