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27+ Beautiful Examples of Infographics

by brantwilson

on October 19, 2009

in Design Inspiration Logo Photography Portfolios Web Design

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Infographics refers to visual representations of information, data or knowledge. These graphics are used where complex information needs to be explained quickly and clearly, such as in signs, maps, journalism, technical writing, and education. They are also used extensively as tools by computer scientists, mathematicians, and statisticians to ease the process of developing and communicating conceptual information.

Infographics allows you to see the and understand the concept in a more interesting and useful manner, Here I’ve listed 27+ beautiful infographic design, that will help and inspire you to design a complex data in to a simple attractive design.

1.) The Largest Bankruptcies in History

2.) Housing & Poverty

3.) Crisis Of Credit 1

4.) Crisis Of Credit 2

5.) The Great Pacific Garbage

6.) On Words Concordance

7.) infoGraphic On Driving

8.) Show do Milhao

9.) Seeking Refuge

10.) Michael Anderson Resume

11.) Biking to Work

12.) Infographic Bicicelitte

13.) A History of Gay Marriage Bans

14.) Exploding Internet

15.) Where are all the fish?

16.) Piggy Trouble

17.) Classifying Experiences

18.) History Lesson: The Story of Beer

19.) Browser Wars

20.) On Currency

21.) Digital Media Weights and Measure

22.) Bulgarian Labour Force

23.) Bono: When Did He Get Into This Stuff?

24.) Where did all the money Go

25.) Ulip Cver Drive

26.) What’s in You mail

27.) Aniversario de la VESPA

Jenn Air Grill Parts

28.) Crisis Of Credit Animated infographics


Flickr Info graphics Group

Good Magazine


Internet Degree

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About brantwilson

Brant Wilson is a staff writer for the DesignMag network. Brant enjoys all things design and development, dogs, and candy. Brant is passionate about training freelancers. Learn how you can earn $125+ freelancing. Start learning for free now! Connect with Brant on google+

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